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Speaking with the Judge
Personal Immigration


We are professional immigration advisers that specialise in immigration and nationality law in the UK. We offer an affordable, honest, reliable and professional immigration service.


We support private individuals and their families moving to the UK, advising on all available options and the best solution for you and your family. Our advice also addresses the longer-term aspects of your relocation to the UK, including the requirements for indefinite leave to remain (settlement) and British citizenship.


Visitors (all categories)

A Standard Visitor visa allows you to visit the UK for up to six months for the following reasons:

  • Tourism

  • Visiting family and friends

  • Business trips, including attending meetings and conferences

  • Doing a short course of study (six months at an accredited institution, three months as “leisure”)

Happy Couple

Spousal Visa

A Spouse Visa, often referred to as a marriage visa consists of married partners of UK citizens to come to the UK and join their partner. The reason they are allowed to come to the UK is because they are married to someone who is ‘settled in the UK’ meaning, a person who is a resident in the UK that has no immigration restrictions on how long they can stay in the UK.

Student Writing

Tier 4: Student Visa

The UK has some of the oldest and most respected universities in the world. If you or a family member want to study at a British institution, but the student is a foreign national, our expert solicitors can help apply for a student visa, or extend your current visa so you can continue your studies.


Tier 2: General work permit 

This category is used for skilled workers from countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who have received a job offer from a UK employer and also includes Shortage Occupation jobs resulting from work force shortages.​


Application for Naturalisation as British Citizen

Naturalisation is the most common way for adults who were not born British to become British citizens. To apply to naturalise as a British citizen, you will have to fulfil the residency requirements, and hold Indefinite Leave to Remain/Permanent Residence. 

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EU Law Applications

At Ali &Barrow Solicitors, we deal with EEA and EU immigration applications on a daily basis and would love to help you make the right application.

If you are an EU/EEA national or a family member of one? You will need to apply for your EU Settled or pre-settled status by 30 June 2021.  


Depending on your circumstances, it’s in your best interest to make the right application and secure your rights of living in the UK as soon as possible.

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